No monthly fees, no subscriptions. With a pay per query system, there are no subscriptions, no monthly fees, just pay for each query, deducted from your credit balance.
There are 7 different categories of data you can query.
MOT History. Finds previous MOT tests, whether failed or passed, including fails and advisories. Tyre Search. Finds different allowable combinations of tyre sizes V5C Validation. Given a Registration and a VIN, confirms or denies that they match. VIN Search. Returns same results as Standard Vehicle Search, but using a VIN as the search query. Vehicle Valuation and Extras. Gets Insurance group, Value and CAP Id and codes, amongst others. Insurance. Retrieves ABI codes, 1st registration dates, Number of Previous keepers, amongst others.
Each one has numerous different data fields. Scroll down to see all the data available for each query. Click here to see a comparison chart with all the fields laid out for easy viewing.